WAEC’s withholding of results of states owing billions of Naira leaves candidates in shock.
Written by ibk.ojo on February 8, 2023

Some candidates who sat for the 2023 West African Senior School Certificate Examination, WASSCE were left in shock on Monday, August 7, after the body released results for the year but withheld theirs on grounds that the state where they sat for the examination owed the board billions of Naira.
Findings later showed that the examination body decided to withhold the results of eight states who are owing them billions of Naira.
Students who went on the examination board’s site to check for their result were surprised to see ”Indebted” written all over the subjects they sat for in the examination.
Speaking at a press briefing on Monday August 7 in Lagos, the Head of National Office, Patrick Areghan, while giving details of the results of the examination concluded 44 days ago, said withholding the results of candidates of the indebted states will force the states to pay their debts. Areghan mentioned Zamfara and Niger as the highest debtors. He, however, declined to mention the remaining states.
He explained that out of a total of 1,613,733 candidates that sat for the examination, 1,361,608 candidates, representing 84.38 per cent, obtained credit and above in a minimum of any five subjects, while 1,287,920, candidates, representing 79.81 per cent, obtained credits and above in a minimum of five subjects, including English Language and Mathematics.
A Nigerian man who went on the website to check his brother’s result, shared a screenshot showing the board had withheld the result on grounds of debt the state where his brother sat for the exam, owed the examination board.
See the screenshot below.

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Commenter 369 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magni
Commenter 370 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
congue augue, molestie eleifend lacus magna nec magna. Morbi ac lorem.
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Commenter 371 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
e; Proin nisi. Nunc hendrerit nisi lobortis purus.
Vivamus turp
Commenter 372 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
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Commenter 373 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
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Phasellus sed tellus eget lacus molestie laoreet. Phasellus commodo euismod mauris. Sed facilisis nulla a est. Proin sit amet lectus. Morbi suscipit libero a nisl. Sed quam ipsum, ullamcorper non, congue vitae, ornare non, nisl. Nunc ultrices. Aliquam imperdiet velit sit amet nulla. Sed a neque. Fusce tempus tortor ut diam. Quisque sagittis lacus eget velit. Quisque augue magna, commodo in, molestie nec, convallis at, tortor. Etiam blandit ultrices tortor. Aliquam nisi risus, lobortis vitae, elementum pulvinar, viverra vel, dolor. Donec metus urna, faucibus aliquet, egestas in, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin nisi. Nunc hendrerit nisi lobortis purus.
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